
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

The Report of the U.N. Brundtland Commission, Our Common Future, 1987

"Then I say the Earth belongs to each generation during its course, fully and in its right no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its existence"

Thomas Jefferson, September 6, 1789

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

Buckminster Fuller, philosopher, futurist and global thinker (1895 - 1983)


Side events

Long-term modelling of energy systems with integration of demand response and power-to-X technologies 


Special event of the project „Investigating energy transition pathways – interrelation between power-to-X, demand response and market coupling“– INTERENERGY, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project number IP-2019-04 9482, will take place at 9:00, on Thursday, October 14th 2021 in the ROOM A. Special event chair and project leader is prof. Neven Duić from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.

The INTERENERGY project deals with interrelation between different power-to-x and demand response technologies and market coupling in the energy transition. Role of these technologies is investigated from the context of market coupling, which is already underway in the European Union. The key research question is how to achieve the balanced integration of different power-to-X and demand response technologies, determine their optimal mix and avoid unnecessary technological lock-ins. In order to achieve this, new H2RES energy planning tool is being developed to model the behaviour of power-to-X and demand response technologies. On this event, participants will have the opportunity to get detailed information about the new, open source long-term energy planning model, which is developed with particular emphasis on the technologies that can enable energy transition towards 100% RES-based energy systems. Also, a round table brings the prominent experts in the field of energy planning and modelling of energy systems together to discuss the progress of modelling of demand response and power-to-X technologies.

Project website:

Date: Thursday, 14th October 2021

Time: 09:00-11:00

Room: A



Introduction to the INTERENREGY project

Prof. Neven Duić


Creation and features of the H2RES energy planning model

Dr. Felipe Feijoo


Use cases of the H2RES model and comparison with other energy planning tools

Mr. Luka Herc


Next steps in the INTERENERGY project

Mr. Antun Pfeifer


Round table „Modelling the demand response and power-to-X technologies in Energy planning tools

Prof. Neven Duić

Prof. Henrik Lund

Prof. Ingo Stadler

Dr. Felipe Feijoo


Announcement of the H2RES challenge with prizes

Prof. Neven Duić


Prof. Neven Duić is a full professor at the Power Engineering at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. He is Member of Strategic Committee for research infrastructure since 2017, Member of National committee for tracking European Commission's Framework programs for research and technology development since 2011, Co-ordinator of Croatian participation of 50 international scientific research projects.  Prof. Neven Duić published over 390 research papers, of which 190 in journals (of which 159 in journals referred in SCI/CC) He was cited 5798 times in Scopus and 4885 times in WoS. He gave more than 170 invited and keynote lectures. Professor Duić established himself as an expert in field of energy planning, with special focus on modelling potential energy transition pathways. This include notable work that resulted with publications in highly citated scientific journals related to renewable energy sources, demand response technologies, integration of Power-to-heat, and Power-to-X technologies and similar. Additionally, his research focus is on developing potential energy transition pathways and strategies that include case study analysis with an aim of demonstrating the viability of 100% renewable energy systems. He coordinated research teams in more than 50 international scientific projects funded through Horizon 2020, Interreg and other funding bodies.

Full CV:


Mr. Antun Pfeifer is an expert in energy planning and modelling of energy systems with main scientific contributions focused on the modelling of energy systems in transition from fossil fuel-based ones towards zero-emissions energy systems based on renewable energy. His main field of interest includes energy planning, modelling of energy systems, integration of variable renewable energy sources, use of demand response and storage technologies and energy markets. He develops new solutions for modelling of energy systems with comprehensive approach, using simulation approach, optimization approach, market integration and mathematical approaches as the game theory for multiple interconnected energy systems planning on a coupled day-ahead power market. He participated in the implementation of 12 international scientific projects funded by Horizon 2020, Interreg, IPA, EUKI and other funding bodies. Mr. Pfeifer is an author of 13 scientific journal publications indexed on Scopus. He has an h-factor of 8, with 192 citations.


Modelling variability in highly renewable energy systems 
The LOCOMOTION D7.4 project initiative

Date: Thursday, 14th October 2021

Time: 15:00-17:00

Room: F

Chair: prof. Nikola Rajakovic

Co-chair: Ilija Batas Bjelić

Keywords: energy system, flexibility, modelling,


  1. Demand electrification and demand response (households and industry)
  2. Sector coupling: electricity sector coupling with heat sector (power-to-gas-to-power, synthetic fuels,…), agriculture, industry, water pumping system,...
  3. Sector coupling: electricity sector coupling with transport sector (V2G + smart charge)
  4. Storage (batteries, pumped hydro, compressed air, hydrogen, rock bed,…)
  5. Market integration
  6. System operation closer to real time including artificial inertia
  7. Interconnections
  8. Thermal (power, CHP) plants flexibilization
  9. Promising and disruptive technologies.

Special topic:

  1. The hourly level modelling of high share of renewable energy integration (up to 100%)


Already in 2050, but definitely by the end of this century, variable renewable energy sources (VRES) will supply most of the electricity, and significant amounts of energy consumed in heating, transport and industry sectors in the World. Therefore, the management of the variable electricity generation on the time scale under the year should be explored at various levels of energy system. Since the purpose of IAMs (including WILIAM) is usually the study of systems across large regions (global approach) and time scales of decades, some limitations have to be taken into account when trying to capture the effects of VRES integration into the energy sector, especially when such effects occur in times shorter than the time step of the model. When long-term energy planning is considered, it is of crucial importance to enable the spread of achievable configurations of the future energy systems, with particular attention given to the configurations based 100% on RES in primary energy supply (PES) and the ones that achieve operation with net zero greenhouse gas emissions (in other words, ability to model decarbonized energy systems).

The technical solutions that integrate larger amounts of RES are called flexibility options.

The reported results show that:

  • changes in capacity factor are confirmed at hourly level,
  • the decarbonization is technically achievable,
  • the modeling framework is open for further research and
  • is in accordance with latest published reports

Some limitations are present within operational management part (frequency and voltage regulation) performed in the millisecond time range. This fast response is enabled via power electronics present in solar and wind power plants, in storage capacities - batteries, and in different devices on demand side. Such smart technology will significantly reduce the needs for overcapacities in future energy systems.


SILA 2021-  Smart Island Conference 
Pre-event to SDEWES

Dates: 8-9 October 2021

Before the SDEWES conference the Smart Island - SILA 2021 conference is being held on Mljet island. The program can be found at:

The goal of the SILA 2021 conference is to act in accordance with the EU strategy on islands development and launching new projects.

Participants at SILA 2021 need to fulfil Registration form:

All those interested can get additional information from MIPRO office:


"Blue Energy Deployment Alliance" 
Blue Deal - European project

Date: Tuesday, 12th October 2021

Time: 17:15-19:15

Right after the Special Session Harnessing the resource potential of our seas in a sustainable manner, chaired by Hrvoje Mikulcic, PhD.

Room: C

Special event of the project „Blue Energy Deployment Alliance“ – Blue Deal, funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the project number 5MED18_1.1_M23_072, will take place at 17:15, on Tuesday, October 12th, 2021 in the ROOM C. Special event chair is Hrvoje Mikulčić, PhD from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.

Blue Deal aims to increase transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of the BE (Blue energy) sector, develop links and synergies between SME`s, public authorities, knowledge institutions and civil society and establish transnational and regional Blue Deal Alliances. In addition, scope of BLUE DEAL is to overcome current technical and administrative restrictions for BE deployment and define proper requirements and procedures to support decisions and guarantee compliance with regulatory, environmental and social constraints.

The Open days event will provide a valuable occasion to present project results in a non-technical way and to transfer project outputs to external organizations and to foster their replicability also beyond the end of the project.

Link to web platform: and web site of the project

SDEWES Project Exchange Event 

Date: Friday, 15th October 2021

Time: 9:00-11:00

Room: A

Chair: Prof. Goran Krajačić

Successful projects are crucial for achieving sustainable  development of energy, water and environment systems so SDEWES centre provides all conference participants opportunity to present their projects through short pitch presentation up to 5 slides and 5 minutes presentations.

Application for event is possible through COMET system.

Development of integrated solution for a long-term strategic planning of energy and climate policies coupled with a design of common energy and climate plans (KK.   
Initial Project Conference

Date: Wednesday, 13th October 2021

Time: 9:00-13:00

Room: Nokturno 

Chair: Dražen Balić, PhD.

Keywords: energy system, long-term planning, integrated energy system, power system modelling, electricity market and network analyses, energy atlas

Key topics that will be covered throughout the event:

  • statistical approach and representation of the energy data
  • short-, mid-, and long-term demand and generation expansion planning
  • transmission network assessment
  • RES potential assessment and utilisation
  • electricity market modelling
  • power system vulnerability and resilience
  • integrated software solution for long term energy and climate planning

Trends in energy policy indicate the necessary changes in the system of planning and drafting of the strategic documents and long-term energy and climate plans. Therefore, the plans within this project include research and development of a new integrated solution/expert system for the comprehensive drafting of long-term strategic energy and climate plans.

Through the cooperation of a scientific institute and an IT company, the project intends to develop an integrated solution that consists of a module for optimizing energy generation and consumption (and monitoring of the geolocation in the form of an energy atlas), a module for energy system planning and monitoring its security and vulnerability, as well as models for simulating changes in energy production and consumption (using new technologies, IoT...).



Benchmarking the performance of cities across energy, water and environment systems
related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.